Brown rice is not traditionally used for sushi in Japan, but since it's such a healthy whole grain, Sogo has decided to bend the rules. Brown rice is healthier and has more texture and taste. The bottom line is that brown rice sushi is quite different from the regular variety and should be thought of as basically its own cuisine. It is a nice alternative, and if you are in the mood for brown-ricesushi, Sogo's is definitely the right place to go.
It may sound a little too New Age to some, but brown-rice sushi is really worth trying... for it's flavor, it's healthy approach to traditional sushi dishes and to just try something new!
Store Hour: Monday to Thursdsy 11:30-2:30 and 4:30-8:30pm
Fri & Sat 11:30-2:30 and 4:30-9:00pm